Keeping Training Sustainable | David Haws

Meet David Haws! The first time I discovered him on Instagram I got the impression of a professional acrobat, or a full-time performer. Fast forward a few years later I get the chance to meet him at a jam at Madison Square Park, NYC, and I learn that he has a sedentary nine-to-five job and a PhD in Mathematics.

I managed to get him in front of the camera just before he left for Hawaii and our conversation turned out to be incredibly insightful. In this interview David tells us about how he’s progressed in his training while working in a sedentary full-time job. One of the key-messages for me in this conversation was that what has allowed him to stay consistent and show results in his handbalancing has been a focus on keeping his practice sustainable. In contrast to most other people I’ve met, David sticks to “only” three days of handbalance specific training a week. He also talked about the importance of play and how burnout in training can be real.
Aside from the interesting insights David is just the most humble guy ever. It was such a pleasure to talk to him and I hope you enjoy this conversation just as much as I did.

Follow David on Instagram!


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It’s never too late to do what you love,

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